Help Center

About Brasil by Bus

I need help. How to open a support ticket?

Need assistance? Open a support ticket with us! šŸ“žOn every page of our Help Center, youā€™ll find the ā€œSubmit a Requestā€ option. This allows you to open a ticket directly with our support team.šŸšŒšŸ’¬ Tip: Before opening a ticket, take a look ar...

What are Brasil by Bus's support and relationship channels?

šŸšŒšŸ’¬Tip: Before reaching out, itā€™s worth checking if your question has already been answered here in our Help Center. This way, you can resolve your issue quickly! If you still need to contact us, no worriesā€”weā€™re ready to help. Just remem...

How do I submit a complaint or compliment?

Had a great experience or want to share something about our system, booking process, or any other topic? Reach out to us!Whether itā€™s a complaint, a compliment, or even a suggestion, weā€™re ready to hear from you. Contact us through one o...

I have a partnership proposal. How can I present it?

Weā€™re thrilled about your interest in partnering with us! Weā€™re eager to explore new ideas and curious to learn more about your proposal. šŸ˜ŠTo streamline the process, please send the following information through our support channels:Your...

How to contact the Press Room?

We greatly appreciate your interest in reaching out to our Press Room! šŸ“°To send your message, simply visit the Press Room page of the DeƔnibus's brand group.

How do I apply through Brasil by Busā€™ careers page?

Weā€™re thrilled to hear youā€™re interested in joining our amazing team!If you value transparency, honesty, optimism, and respect, youā€™ll definitely enjoy embarking on this journey with us!Check out our current job openings here: DeƔnibus V...